So last Saturday morning about 2:00 A.M.
Mom n Dad Jumped out of bed, and ran to our room because Finley was Yelping Bloody Murder! We were all scared!
When they were trying to figure out what his problem was, they found his foot to be stuck in the rungs of the cage. He couldn’t move it, and when He tried to move his foot, it hurt really bad!
He must’ve stretched while sleeping, and pushed his foot into that area.
Mom and Dad worked feverishly to get his foot free amid all of his yelping and crying! Finally they were able to free his foot, and he suddenly relaxed, and began to snuggle with Dad, seemingly very happy to be free.
Dad said it was time for a bigger cage. Thank God they had one in the Garage. It’s huge! But Dad got it, and they washed it down , and about 3:30 a.m. everyone was tucked back in bed for a little more sleep.
So to make a long story a bit shorter, Dad went to petco, and bought us a big pet bed, and put it in the cage, to make our nightly sleeping experience more comfortable for us.
It was so nice if him to do that, but our toys got stuck under the mat the very first night! And well… we had to dig them out! Not our fault!!!
So now we don’t have the mat anymore, cause we’d rather have our toys.
Besides the snow was really cool! Who knew one could make it snow, when your digging for toys
Love Fin and Max